I have been reading my posts and noticing how they reflect the cycle of the seasons; I mark the passing of time by the lengthening and then shortening of the days. There is the welcome appearance of the first spring plants, and as they flower and die back the early and late summer plants begin to poke their heads up and thrive. Blossom is succeeded by berries, then the leaves put on their technicolour display and fall as the first frosts return; snow covers the ground as the undergrowth dies back leaving a palette of browns and greys, until whilst out walking one cold day I notice the first green shoots. When we bought the house I spent every spare moment in the previously neglected and overgrown garden; I realised that I had only been out in the local woods a few times. Now that the garden is more under control and we have a dog I am out there every day and feel priveleged to have this opportunity to deepen my connection with the natural world.
The other thing I noticed was how often I talk about weeds. Of course, a weed is just a plant where you don't want it and many 'weeds' are tolerated in my garden because they benefit the wildlife, or have medicinal properties, or I just like them! The 'weeds' I refer to are usually the legions of willow herb seedlings, the brambles that want to re-establish their hold over the entire garden, ash tree seedlings and sow thistle (prickly!). I tolerate small amounts of herb Robert, wood avens and meadow cranesbill but pull the rest out, and have also had to thin the enthusiastic numbers of foxgloves and borage plants. Always decisions! What stays, what goes.... but whatever control I think I have, the garden will always have the last word. On the subject of weeds, I recommend reading Richard Mabey (Weeds, Beechcombing, Flora Britannica) and Richard Deakin (Wildwood, Waterlog).
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