Tammy in August this year.
On Wednesday 14th October we very sadly said goodbye to our beloved dog, Tammy.  |
Photo copyright Dan Money 2016
Many of my clients know all about this lovely hound and some got to meet her so I thought I would share this news on here. She was 13 years old and had been fit and healthy for her age although she had been slowing down over the last two years due to neural degeneration that affected her rear end, and more recently the onset of arthritis in her hips. Throughout 2020 her walks became steadily slower and more about the sniffing smells than chasing sticks but she was still pottering along happily enough.Then came October and a sudden, dramatic deterioration in her mobility and energy levels. A trip to the vet and blood tests revealed Acute Lymphoma Leukemia which has an awful prognosis. Her quality of life was going down so rapidly that we made the heartbreaking decision to have her put to sleep; the vet came to our garden and we were able to stay with her.
Still enjoying sticks in May 2020
Tammy came to live with us in January 2011 when she was three years old and she enriched our lives beyond measure; she is missed more than words can say.
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